Thursday, October 18, 2012

American Blueberry Pancake

Pancake adalah favorite sarapan, selain roti bakar, waffle, dan jagung kukus. Maklum anak-anak saya jarang sarapan nasi. Nasi goreng biasanya disantap siang/malam hari/week end.

Resep ini sesuai dengan request Shifa, yaitu mau pancake blueberry yang tebal. Karena kita masih punya stock blueberry fresh, maka dicobalah resep dari buku DK ini.

Menurut saya, rasanya kurang manis, tapi Shifa suka. Dan dia tidak mau menambahkan maple syrup. Cukup pancake ini saja.

Sensasi asam segar blueberry yang pecah di mulut saat dimakan, memberi eksotisme tersendiri. Jika tidak pakai blueberry juga tidak masalah. Coba saja pancake plain. Hanya saja karena menurut saya kurang manis, maka bisa ditambahkan sedikit gula pada adonan atau tambahkan pancake/maple syrup saat disantap.
Mari, silahkan coba.....

Nah ini dia resep American Blueberry Pancake yang tebal itu 

American Blueberry Pancake 

Sumber: DK, Step by Step Baking (Modified by Widya)

30 gr        unsalted butter plus extra for frying and to serve
2 large     eggs
200 gr      self-raising flour
1 tsp        baking powder
40 gr        caster sugar
250 mL    milk
1 tsp        vanilla extract
150 gr      blueberries
Maple syrup to serve

Cara membuat:

1. Lelehkan butter, biarkan dingin, sisihkan.
2. Kocok lepas telur dalam mangkuk, sisihkan.
3. Ayak tepung dan baking powder.
4. Tambahkan gula dalam tepung, aduk rata.
5. Campur susu, telur, vanila dalam sebuah wadah.
6. Buat lubang di tengah campuran tepung.
7. Tuang campuran telur sambil diaduk perlahan.
8. Tunggu adonan merata  dalam setiap penuangan cairan.
9. Tuang butter yang sudah dilelehkan.

10. Lelehkan butter dalam wajan anti lengket di atas api sedang.
11. Tuang adonan ke wajan.
12. Terus menuang beberapa adonan dalam wajan sambil memberi jarak yang cukup antar pancake.
13. Setelah itu  tambahkan blueberry.
14. Pancake siap dibalik jika gelembung yang muncul telah pecah meninggalkan lubang kecil.
15. Terus memasak 1-2 menit hingga pancake berwarna golden brown.
16. Angkat pancake. Hidangkan hangat.

17. Lap wajan dengan kitchen paper untuk membersihkan sisa blueberry dan tambahkan butter pada wajan untuk membuat  pancake selanjutnya hingga adonan habis.

Note & tips:
- Jika resep menghendaki butter leleh, pastikan butter benar-benar dingin supaya adonan tidak menggumpal.
- Untuk adonan pancake, saya suka membuat adonan malam menjelang tidur. Adonan ditutup, disimpan dalam kulkas.

Berikut resep aslinya dalam Bahasa Inggris ya…

30 gr        unsalted butter plus extra for frying and to serve
2 large     eggs
200 gr      self-raising flour
1 tsp        baking powder
40 gr        caster sugar
250 mL    milk
1 tsp        vanilla extract
150 gr      blueberries
Maple syrup to serve
1.        Melt the butter in a small saucepan and set aside to cool.
2.        Crack the egg into a small bowl and lightly beat with a fork until combined.
3.        Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl, lifting the seve high above to aerate the flour.
4.        Stir he sugar until evenly mixed with the flour, so each pancake will be equally sweet.
5.        In a jug, lightly beat together the milk, eggs, vanilla extract until well blended.
6.        With a spoon, form a well in the center of the dry ingredients.
7.        Pour a little of the egg mixture into the well and start to whisk it in.
8.        Wait until each addition of egg mixture has been incorporated before whisking in more.
9.        Finally, whisk in the melted butter until the mixture in entirely smooth.
10.     Melt a knob of butter n a large, non stick frying pan over a medium heat.
11.     Pour a tablespoon of batter into the pan, to form a round pancake.
12.     Continue to add tablespoon batter leaving space between from them to spread.
13.     As they begin to cook, sprinkle a few blueberries over the uncooked surface.
14.     They are ready to turn when a small bubbles appears and pop, leaving the small holes.
15.     Turn the pancake over carefully with a palette knife.
16.     Continue to cook for 1-2 minutes until golden brown on both sides and cooked.
17.     Remove the pancake from the pan, and drain briefly on kitchen paper.
18.     Place the pancake on plate and transfer to a warm oven.
19.     Wipe out the frying pan with kitchen paper, and add another knob of butter.
20.     Repeat for all batter and wipe between batches. The pan should not get too hot.
21.     Remove the pancakes from the oven. Serve warm in piles, with butter and maple syrup.

Note & tips:
-          Whenever a recipe calls for the addition of melted butter, as here, make sure it is completely cooled before adding to a butter. Warm or hot butter can crudle a mixture, starting to cook it before time, or forming lumps of cooked eggs within t. So do not skip the vital step of cooling melted butter .

Koleksi Buku & Resep

Sudah banyak buku masakan yang saya koleksi...

Jika bisa bersuara, tentu buku-buku itu akan berteriak: "Ayo kapan saya dipraktekan !!!!!!"...

Yuk..mari kita buka satu-persatu........